
April 1, 2015

Thank Goodness It's a New Month!

     My oh my, what a crazy and busy month it has been! I feel like I blinked and April was here. March was filled with lots of doctor visits and needles along with a few tears. It is no joke when they tell you how stressful IVF is going to be! Brett and I completed all of the blood work and diagnostic testing we needed to and are so thankful everything came back great. I had a mock transfer and hysteroscope done on Match 19th to check out my uterus and make sure all was good to go for when we start treatment. Talk about the most uncomfortable procedure though! You are awake for the whole thing without any pain medication as they check everything out with a scope and catheter. My doctor did find a tiny tiny pollup and removed it, but said everything else looked perfect! Thank goodness! It's nice to hear some good news after so much bad news.

What would life be if you didn't take a selfie in a hospital gown! ;)

After having all my testing done and everything coming back good, we were set to have me start my injections on March 30th and the egg retrieval on April 10th! It was all going to be happening so fast, but we were excited to get this show on the road. I received a call in the afternoon on March 27th from my nurse saying my protocol was ready and I needed to pick up my medications that evening! I could not believe that this was finally happening. We were that much closer to baby Hempel. I gave our loan lady a call to make sure everything was finalized and good to go,like we had discussed. Of course with my luck though, she didn't answer. She never once picked up her phone the entire hour and a half I spent calling her. I couldn't believe that she really wasn't answering and insisted that this was just a joke. We had been talking all week and she knew that everything had to be ready by that day. With no answer from her and then finding out from the company that is working with us on getting a discount on our medications that they had me fill out the wrong forms, all I could do was cry. We were finally here at this point to start  everything and it was all shot down because of a few people who weren't doing their job. To say that Brett and I were beyond frustrated with them is 
putting it pretty nicely. 

     I strongly strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. As much as I don't understand what the reasoning behind this was, I have to accept it and know that it's for the best. We are now scheduled to have the egg retrieval on May 22nd and I will be starting my injections somewhere between the 9-11th of May.  Until then, we will just continue to enjoy life and all of the wonderful things it has given us. 

If you would like to donate to our IVF fund, the link is:
