
May 18, 2015

Shots Shots Shots

     I think the song Shots by LMFAO may or may not be my new theme song in life. ;) It has been a busy last couple weeks in our lives! Between doctor appointments and needles, I'm about ready to just open up my own practice. Haha but I'll keep dreaming. I started my medication injections on the night of May 10th. They started me with two different injections once a day to help stimulate my ovaries and help produce follicles. (Follicles contain my eggs) Thankfully my best friend was in town visiting, who also is a nurse and offered to do the shots for me! Such a huge relief, otherwise we would of been waiting alllll night for me to get over my fear of needles. After the first shot was done, I was much more relaxed! The needles are so small that you can barely feel them which is super nice. I mean let's be honest, getting poked in the stomach multiple times isn't the most exciting thing to have to go through.
First night of shots!

     I was/am having to make visits to the doctors every other day to have blood work done along with an internal ultrasound to check my hormone levels and to see how my ovaries/follicles were doing. Every visit our doctor kept saying hoe great everything looked and kept my medication dosage the same each day because my body has been responding to it exactly the way it should be! Let me tell you, it is SO nice to hear some positive things come out of a doctors mouth after hearing so much negative for so long! :) Thankfully I have only had a few side effects from the medications as well which have included nausea, headache, little bit of bruising on my stomach and some major bloating in my stomach which has been my least favorite part. Haha. I'm naturally a skinny girl, so to wake up with a little belly is like WOAH! Luckily I can just blame the meds. ;) 

Hopefully soon there will be a little baby Hempel in that bloat! 

     It's was beyond wonderful to have Meghan out to visit us for an entire week! She's like a little piece of home and to have her here during all the chaos made this past week much easier to get through and not over stress about the little things. Unfortunately Brett was busy with work and wasn't able to make it to any of my appointments, so Meghan made a good stand in husband. ;) If only I could keep her out here forever! 


     This past Friday, I had to add one more injection into the mix which is to prevent my body fro ovulating so when it comes to do my egg retrieval, my eggs will still all be in my follicles instead of releasing like they do in a normal cycle. That put me up to three shots every night! Talk about a party. ;) I was able to overcome my fear of needles right before Meghan left and have been giving myself my own shots for the last three days! I was pretty darn proud of myself!

Giving a whole new meaning to body shots!
     Only a couple more shots left and then it's on to our egg retrieval and making those little embryos! Thank you a million times to everyone who has kept us in your thoughts and prayers during this whole process. We are so so excited that this is all actually happening and we are making wonderful progress through everything! Please keep sending good vibes and baby dust our way in the next few days as we will most definitely need it! 


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